We will take students to the Person football game on Friday evening against Northern Durham. Students will need money for admission to the game, and money for concessions, if they wish. $10-$15 should be plenty. Meet at the church at 5:30pm.
We will all go back to the church after the game and spend the night at the church. Students will need to bring sleeping bags, pillows, air mattresses, etc...we will plan to have a late night, with time in the gym, games, and perhaps a movie. *ladies: please bring appropriate sleep attire!! *parents: of course, guys and girls will be sleeping in very removed spaces.
We will spend a good part of our morning at Westwood doing some service projects around the church. We want to serve Craig Hoxie by aiding him in some projects, and also do some painting in the upstairs hallway of the old building. Students will need to bring some work clothes for this.
We will wrap up by having lunch together, and you can plan to pick your student(s) up at the church at 1pm.
The cost per student will be $15. This will go toward food for meals that we will provide, snacks, as well as to offset the cost of some of the supplies we will need for Saturday.
Hope that many of our students will be able to come and join us! If you can't make it Friday night to the game, you can either come to the church afterward, probably around 10:30pm, or Saturday morning before 9.
Xachory will be at church Friday at 5:30pm.